电话,视频会议等,经常遇到声音断断续续的情况,此时你可以说,"your voice is pretty choppy."
或者 "your voice is cutting in and out".
YiMinZhiJia.ca 分享新、老移民在加拿大生活经验,吃喝玩乐等各种信息。
电话,视频会议等,经常遇到声音断断续续的情况,此时你可以说,"your voice is pretty choppy."
或者 "your voice is cutting in and out".
The phrase "one-armed paper hanger" is an idiom that typically refers to someone who is extremely busy or overwhelmed with tasks. It evokes the image of a person with only one arm attempting to hang wallpaper, which is a challenging task even for someone with both arms. This imagery is used to highlight the difficulty and hectic nature of the situation the person is in.
[2:30 PM] John Calvin
Many thanks. I know that you must be busier than a one-armed paper hanger with an itch with everyone away.
Hamburger 这个词来源于德国的城市Hamburg,在那里这种食物被发明,主要是面包片夹住牛肉饼。
后来Hamburger在美国非常流行,人们创新地用鸡肉或者鱼肉来代替牛肉,于是有了 chicken burger和 fish burger。
那么有没有 ham burger呢?
ham是猪腿肉,那么 ham burger 应该是面包片夹火腿,感觉就是热狗了。
而且,ham burger发音与 hamburger一模一样,写法也非常相似,容易混淆。
总结一下,先有Hamburg这个城市,然后在那里发明了 hamburger这种食物,后来太流行了,又导致burger这个词的出现,以及 chicken burger, fish burger。
what is digraph? such as "ch,th,sh,wh,ph,gu,qu,dg".digraph 很直观的看出来是前缀di(二)加graph(图画、拼写),中文解释是“两个字母连写发一个音”,我简称其为“组合音”
the English alphabet has fewer consonant letters than English has consonant sounds, so digraphslike "ch", "sh", "th", and "zh" are used to extend the alphabet
对比中文拼音里的zh ch sh ,也是组合音。
组合音又可以分三种,第一种是sh ch th ,读上去像是s和h的快速连读发音,并且做了变化。
第二种是gu dg,区分g的发音,g发两种音,[g]和[dʒ],gu\gh组合时,u\h是用来提示g发音为[g],u\h本身不发音,像是个一个“标记”,例如guest,ghost。当dg组合时,d是“标记”,此时g发音[dʒ],例如budget,bridge.
第三种是“qu\wh”,u和h不发音,英语中q一般很少单独出现,一般是qu一起出现发q的音,没有深究为啥,理解为一种遗留的习惯,还有wh发w音或h,what \which\whom\whose,就是这样的,中古英语就这个习惯。