

水洒了、食物撒了,各种“sǎ le“的英文怎么说?


有小娃的家庭都知道,跟打翻了的各种东西打交道是生活常态,一会儿是水洒在地板上了,一会儿又是把零食撒在沙发上了,等会儿还不知道是什么又要“sǎ le”,也许是乐高,也许是上百片拼图。总之,作为老母亲或老父亲,要准备好娃下一秒跑来告诉你,有东西又“sǎ le”,又要爬着跪着一点点给娃捡起来收拾好。不过呢,老母亲/老父亲冒火归冒火,却不能放过这个好时机教孩子点日常英文,所以今天我们就来学一学各种“sǎ le”的英文怎么说吧!


家长:Why are legos all over the place?(怎么到处都是乐高?)

孩子:I knocked over the bucket of legos.(我把装乐高的桶打翻了。)

家长:Again? Right after you spilled your milk at breakfast?!(又打翻了?你早饭时才把牛奶打翻了!)


家长:It's ok. Let's pick them up. (没事儿。我们把它捡起来吧。)


1. ... is all over the place(到处都是......)/... is all over the floor(满地都是......)

“到处都是......”是中文里常见的一个表达,在英文里也是很常用的。我们来看几个例句:People are all over the place in the mall.(商场里到处都是人。)Milk tea places are all over the place. (到处都是奶茶店。)我们也可以用floor替换place来表示“满地都是......”,比如Legos are all over the floor.(地板上全是乐高。)

很神奇的是,这个短语稍微一变还可以表示sǎ le,比如Water is all over the table.(水洒了一桌。)或Cookies are all over the couch.(饼干撒了一沙发都是。)

2. knock over(打翻)

东西打翻了就用这个短语,比如说The cat knocked over the vase.(猫把花瓶打翻了。)

3. spill(洒了,撒了)

spill一般用来表示液体打翻了或洒了,这里给两个例句老母亲老父亲们可以体会下:The baby knocked over the toy car.(小宝宝把玩具车弄翻了。)和The baby spilled the milk.(小宝宝把牛奶洒了。)

4. pick up(捡起来)

东西掉了、打翻了要捡起来,英文就用pick up,一个很简单的短语。不过呢,别小看了这个短语,它还有很多别的意思,在美国的日常生活中随时都能听到,比如从学校接孩子可以说pick up kids from school,接电话可以说pick up the phone,慢慢养成某个习惯可以说pick up the habit of doing something,它还有其他很多意思,我们以后会继续学习。


"Shift" is both periods and people

  • Anne was on the night shift.
  • The bus was still waiting there when the day shift went home. 


Water vs Waters

 Water is usually used as a noncount noun, but the form waters is sometimes used. Editor Kory Stamper helps explain the difference.

What's the difference between "the gray water of the Mississippi" and "the gray waters of the Mississippi"?

Both the noncount water and the plural waters are used to refer to a specific body of water, as in "the water(s) of Lake Michigan."  But there are subtle differences in their use. 

The noncount water is also used generally of any water, whether it is in small quantities ("a glass of water") or in large quantities ("We went swimming but the water was too cold."). 

The plural waters, on the other hand, is used especially of an area of seawater, and tends to appear in more formal contexts ("shipping lanes in international waters") and in literary contexts ("the azure skies and clear waters of the Pacific").

If you are not sure which one to use, choose water as it is the more versatile and less formal of the two.


2020年6月7日Crow's Pass Conservation Area一游

鉴于当前COVID-19持续发酵,虽然各大公园已经开放,但是人满为患。为了找一个人少安静的徒步之地,google到了Crow's Pass CA.

1 Crow's Pass CA基本介绍

这个一个不大的保护区,不太引人注意,隶属于Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority管辖。其官网有详细介绍,请参考https://www.cloca.com/crows-pass

2 常见问题

2.1 在哪里停车?


2.2 里面人多吗?


2.3 需要注意什么?



3 我的玩法


4 有图有真相


Crow's Pass CA的入口大门



conserve vs preserve

conserve 和 preserve 都有保护的意思,但是程度和方法不同。

  • conserve 善意利用,避免浪费、破坏,达到可持续
  • preserve 保持原状,不去接触从而避免破坏

conserve area 受保护区,为大众提供徒步、骑马、钓鱼、野营等贴近大自然的方式,同时避免破坏性行为,如建筑。

natrual preserves 自然保护区,大众不能进入。

It's important to conserve natural resources by cutting down on water and electricity waste.

While our conservation areas provide opportunities to connect with nature, our preserves help protect sensitive ecosystems in the Lake Simcoe watershed​. Our nature preserves are particularly vulnerable to disturbance, and because of this vulnerability, these properties are not available for public use



Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 多伦多及周边地区环保局


There is no ... VS there are no ....

There are no PLURAL FORM (countable nouns)

  • There are no birds in the forest.
  • There are no pens in the drawer.
  • There are no children playing in the yeard.

There is no SINGLAR FROM (uncountable abstract nouns)

  • There is no milk in the refrigerator.
  • There is no point in following his instructions as he is a liar.
  • There is no reason for that behavior.
  • There is no need to show your gender in a resume.
  • There is no information available now.


Clue vs Cue

Clue: A fact or idea that serves to reveal something or solve a problem (e.g. a crime or a puzzle).
Cue: A signal for action (like an actor entering the stage). Also, a piece of information which aids the memory in retrieving details, or indicates a desired course of action.
Really, anything can be a clue, as long as it helps to solve something. Similarly, anything can be a cue, as long as it signals meaningful information to someone. So, more than anything else, the difference is in their individual purpose, and not what they are or who might be involved.
If all that is confusing just remember this: A detective searches for clues; an actor waits for his cue.


forget doing vs forget to do

"I forgot to close the windows before getting into bed last night" means that, before you got into bed last night, you failed to recall your intention to close the windows before getting into bed, and consequently neglected to do so: you did not close the windows before getting into bed last night.

"I forgot closing the windows before getting into bed last night" means that you lost your memory of having closed the windows before you got into bed last night. The sentence may be rephrased like this: "I forgot that I had closed the windows before getting into bed last night."

The second sentence is unusual and would take a special context -- one in which you did do the indicated action (you closed the windows before getting into bed last night), then forgot about having done it, then remembered that you had done so, and then wanted to report that you had forgotten about it.

It is more common to speak of forgetting about doing something than of forgetting doing something. With "remember," on the other hand, the construction "remember doing" is perfectly fine when we wish to speak of remembering something that occurred. "Remembered to [verb]" works like "forgot to [verb]," the difference having solely to do with whether the intended action was performed.

Incidentally, I've edited your topic from "Some problems in grammar," which applies to most discussion threads on this forum, to "forget to do" vs. "forget doing," which is descriptive of the grammatical topic under discussion in this particular thread.


如何用英语说 "手上扎了一根小木刺"

I have got a splinter in my hand. 

I have a splinter stuck in my finger. 

Please help remove the splinter in my foot. 


Thank you for your continued support (continued, continual, continuous)

  • continued means that something has occurred regularly for an extended period of time and is likely to continue. 
    • e.g. The continued adoption of smartphone devices is changing the way we live and work. 
    • e.g. Thank you for your continued support.

  • continual means frequently recurring but perhaps intermittent. 
    • e.g. The dog's continual barking kept me up all night.

  • continuous means non-stop and without interruption. 
    • e.g. Continuous innovation has driven Apple's success.
