

conserve vs preserve

conserve 和 preserve 都有保护的意思,但是程度和方法不同。

  • conserve 善意利用,避免浪费、破坏,达到可持续
  • preserve 保持原状,不去接触从而避免破坏

conserve area 受保护区,为大众提供徒步、骑马、钓鱼、野营等贴近大自然的方式,同时避免破坏性行为,如建筑。

natrual preserves 自然保护区,大众不能进入。

It's important to conserve natural resources by cutting down on water and electricity waste.

While our conservation areas provide opportunities to connect with nature, our preserves help protect sensitive ecosystems in the Lake Simcoe watershed​. Our nature preserves are particularly vulnerable to disturbance, and because of this vulnerability, these properties are not available for public use



Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 多伦多及周边地区环保局


There is no ... VS there are no ....

There are no PLURAL FORM (countable nouns)

  • There are no birds in the forest.
  • There are no pens in the drawer.
  • There are no children playing in the yeard.

There is no SINGLAR FROM (uncountable abstract nouns)

  • There is no milk in the refrigerator.
  • There is no point in following his instructions as he is a liar.
  • There is no reason for that behavior.
  • There is no need to show your gender in a resume.
  • There is no information available now.
