

rabbit hole 无底洞


Rabbit hole表示一个无底洞,据说源自《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。如今多用在互联网上,表示一个人耗费大量时间在网上看来看去。比如,你本来想在网上查查西兰花怎么做好吃,结果看到了西兰花的营养成分表,进而再看看哪里生产西兰花,。。。就这样一直被一个个链接指引着继续浏览。

一般用 go down a rabbit hole 或者 fall down a rabbit hole.


While trying to find the picture again on Google, I fell down the Cosmo rabbit hole, scrolling through a gallery of swimwear, then through "How to Be Sexier-Instantly" and then through all 23 slides of "Sexy Ideas for Long Hair."


So, I went down a rabbit hole last night.

pull ... out of fire 拯救


pull someone/something out of fire,字面上就是从火中把某人/某物救出来,引申为帮助其脱离危险。


My brother is the best lawyer in town, and he's pulled me out of the fire on more than one occasion!

昨晚,门户网站发生故障,导致无法正常访问。在On Call的David最终解决问题。第二天,Jesse说,

Thanks @Dave for fixing everything last night! Good job! You really pulled our bacon out of the fire.

To tide someone over 帮助某人脱离困境


Tide作为名词是潮汐的意思。早期的船手经常需要依靠潮汐来帮助其越过障碍,脱离搁浅。于是,tide someone over就是帮助某人脱离困境的意思。比如临时借钱给某人,甚至给某人一点吃的使其可以撑到下一顿饭。


At any point in the day, you can probably find me nibbling snacks at my desk to tide me over until my next meal.


hopefully that will tide Brandon over for a bit.


blow smoke 故弄玄虚


blow smoke 这个习语有很多不同的意思。其中的一个就是故弄玄虚。


I am not just BLOWING SMOKE here, we need an audit trail of a reason for the access request.

Throw a (monkey) wrench in 给造成麻烦


Monkey Wrench 对应于中文里的活口扳手。当调整扳手的时候,就像猴子的嘴巴,这就是名字的由来。

Throw a (monkey) wrench in,指的是把扳手扔到一个运转的机器里,从而造成故障。引申出来的意思就是给某人某事造成麻烦。


we haven’t been a roadblock for Banner lately.

 need to throw a  wrench in.

Take the high road 高姿态


Take the high road. 上高速?错了!错了!

高速公路是 highway 不是high road.

其实它的意思是说某人高姿态地处理事情。比如有人在某件事上对你不好,算计你,但你却不太计较,而仍然积极的处理问题。这个时候你就可以说 I am taking the high road.


no, I’m taking the high road here.

You nailed it! 你做到了!

 nail本身是钉钉子的意思。例如,桌子坏了,用钉子重新固定好。从这个“修理好”的角度,”nailed it"表示某件事情做成功了。如果你想表扬某个人做成功了一件事,可以说“you nailed it!"


impressive. you nailed it!

go to horizontal 躺平


Horizontal 和 Vertical 分别是水平和垂直的意思。正好对应人躺着和站着这两种姿态。于是,go to horizontal 常常用来形容躺着(休息) 。


Still dealing with back issues. Going back to horizontal for a bit.

silver lining 塞翁失马焉知非福



Sliver lining 指的是乌云边缘透出的光线。比喻不好的事情也有好的一面。
Every cloud has a silver lining! 这句话常用来开导别人要看到希望。


silver lining: the infra nodes have finally been patched and restarted, and I didn’t need to work on a Saturday to do it.


Pull a muscle 肌肉拉伤

 Today my manager said in his email that "I pulled a muscle in my side last Sunday and it's been getting worse all week. Haven't slept much the last few nights as a result."

pull a muscle 就是拉伤肌肉。


  • A muscle strain, or pulled muscle, occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn.


Throw someone under the bus

 字面上,”under the bus"表示不好的位置。实际含义是没有依据的无端责怪、批评。


“Our team was slightly thrown under the bus".

  • Every time the president gets in trouble, he'll throw another cabinet member under the bus.
  • I didn't have time to do the business report, so I threw you under the bus and told the boss it was your job instead.

Take a toll on something/somebody

按照字面的意思,take a toll on 是让某人某事付出代价。实际的含义是,对某人某事造成坏的影响。

今天上午开了很多会,我的一个同事说到,"This morning has taken a toll on me",来表达身体有点透支了。


After witnessing a road accident, it took a toll on Samantha’s mood and she couldn’t focus on her work the entire day.

Over consumption of alcohol over the years, takes a toll on the liver.

Extensive exercising over the years has taken a toll on Kevin’s knees. He has to wear a knee cap now.
