

Mint: one word with two completely unrelated meanings


Tim Bowen explains the origin and different meanings of this word. It's mint!

The word mint has two distinct meanings in English. The first, derived from Greek through Latin mentha, is the small aromatic plant that also gives us words for different kinds of sweets (e.g. peppermints, spearmints) and the word menthol.

The second word comes from the Latin moneta, which is also the source of the English word money, and is a place where coins are produced or minted. In the case of the United Kingdom, this is the Royal Mint, which is located near Cardiff in South Wales and which mints the different coins in use in the UK. This meaning of mint also gives us the expression 'in mint condition', meaning in new or perfect condition, an expression often used to describe second-hand goods for sale. 'In mint condition' has now given rise to a new use of mint in modern British colloquial usage as an adjective meaning 'great, fantastic, brilliant'. It is particularly common in the Geordie dialect of Newcastle in the North-East of England. An example of this would be “I really enjoyed the gig last night. It was mint!” 


Enrol VS Enroll


"Enrol" and "Enroll" are the same word with two spellings. 

  • "Enrol" is more widely used outside USA.
  • "Enroll" is common in USA.
The same thing applys to "Enrolment" and "Enrollment".




第22条军规》(英语:Catch-22)是美国作家约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)的代表作



You mentioned we are in a bit of a Catch-22 - you need our metadata but that won't be available until you give us yours.

Something/Someone's days are numbered


I think the confulence service's days are numbered anyways.



My days in London are numbered.
The old dog's days are numbered.


soldier vs. warriro vs. knight (士兵、勇士、骑士)


A soldier is anyone who fights as part of a military.

If you were to join the British or Japanese military you would become a soldier.

A warrior could be a soldier but it could also be anyone showing great strength, courage or aggressiveness. Such as athletes or political figures.

A knight is a person granted the title of knighthood. About 500 to 1000 years ago those granted a knighthood would have been elite fighters who directly served a lord and were often skilled in battle on horseback.

In modern times knighthood are granted to those who have made large contributions to culture or charity. For example, Sir David Attenborough has been awarded 2 knighthoods for television broadcasting and conservatism. That's also why he gets the title Sir in front of his name.


Rouge Park 抓小龙虾 (crawfish)


1 路线


2 注意事项


be up for something 愿意做某事


SPOKENwilling to do a particular activity

‘What do you feel like doing?’ ‘I’d be up for just about anything.



I think Jason would be up for that


令人迷惑的名字:TRREB - 多伦多地产“局” 和 RECO - 安省地产理事会

1. 多伦多地产“局”(TRREB),并非政府部门

 在多伦多的华人朋友们大多数听说过 "多伦多地产局”这个机构。按照我们华人的传统,字面上看,这个机构是一个政府部门。然而事实上并非如此。先来看看这个结构自己对自己的定位吧。


The TORONTO REGIONAL REAL ESTATE BOARD is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1920 by a small group of real estate practitioners. Today, as Canada's largest real estate board, TRREB serves more than 66,000 licensed real estate Brokers and Salespersons in and about the Greater Toronto Area.

简单来说,它是一个非盈利(关于加拿大的非盈利机构,也有很多故事)公司,服务对象是大多伦多地区的地产经纪人。其提供的MLS(Multiple Listing Service)算是世人皆知的了。


2. 安省地产理事会(RECO)才是政府部门

The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) enforces the rules that real estate salespeople, brokers, and brokerages must follow. We protect the public interest through a fair, safe and informed marketplace.





I am fed up! 我受够了!


feed sb up,本意是给某人过多的食物。be fed up引申为被惹恼了,受不了了。


I was already getting fed up with having Rogan's podcat pushed on me every time I opened Spotify.


 I will be unavailable lunch onwards.


两个小游戏:拔河 tug of war,打地鼠 whack-a-mole


tug of war 是拔河游戏的英文专属名词。


一个Jira ticket先是被指定A同事来做,后来又改成B,后来又改成A,...

同事开玩笑的说这就是 Tug of war.

whack-a-mole 就是打地鼠游戏。



I think we need to automate blacklisting IPs or just live with it, because whack-a-mole is not a good strategy.

not touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole 绝不碰!


a ten-foot pole 是西方家庭原来普遍有的一个工具,在这里就表示一个长的棍子。就算给我一个长棍子,我也不想碰某个东西,引申为特别不想接触某人/参与某事。

That investment is too risky. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.


Where is my eleven-foot pole?


cant find way out of a (wet) paper bag? 比猫还笨!



How do we manage to find contractors that couldn't vpn their way out of a wet paper bag?


I am game, 我是游戏?

 game除了名词外,还可以是一个形容词,game for 表示渴望做某些事情。


I am game, just let me know when and I'll be there.
